
Is your product as cool as you think it is?

Research, analyse, and make sure your idea is worth investing your hard-earned cash.


of prototypes blossom into products.


of Startups fail in the first 5 years.

Cost is key

Numbers don’t lie

How much money will your product turnover?

What's it going to take to keep the business afloat?

See what lies ahead in your ‘future’ spreadsheet?

Design process

Is this right for me?

Is the juice worth the squeeze?

What will the design process look like?

Is this product the right decision for you?

Product Idea

What’s the secret sauce

Imagine having potential customers that love your idea.

The earlier you get feedback, the stronger business you build.

"I engaged DMC to assist in the development of a new product. Before we commenced the process, DMC conducted an initial research & feasibility phase. While initially I was a little apprehensive around whether it was necessary or not, I could not have been more impressed with the level of detail & how thorough the results & recommendations were. Looking forward to continuing on the development process with DMC and would highly recommend other businesses undertake this process with Dylan & his team."

Lachlan Toch


On Call Expert - Slow and Steady

$299 per month

Your on-tap product development expert.


  • 2 x 60-minute calls
  • Unlimited voice notes through WhatsApp within 2 days
  • 100% money-back guarantee.
  • Refine your idea
  • Understand development costs
  • Uncover the unknowns

Chip away at your product idea using the knowledge from someone that has done it a hundred times.  

On Call Expert - Consistent

$499 per month

Your on-tap product development expert.


  • 4 x 60-minute calls
  • Unlimited voice notes through WhatsApp within 24 hours
  • 100% money-back guarantee.
  • Refine your ideas
  • Understand development costs
  • Uncover the unknowns

Chip away at your product idea using the knowledge from someone that has done it a hundred times.  

Frequently asked questions

What do you mean by 'validate my idea' ?

Validating your idea is all about proving to yourself that the idea is worth investing your time, energy and hard earned cash. We believe it's worth looking at the potential costs, market, and business model before jumping into designing your product masterpiece.

What does it cost to validate a product idea?

If you can prove/test your idea on your own time, it will cost you mostly your time. If you want our help, it will cost you $500 to $2000 depending on how in-depth we need to go to figure out the potential of your idea.

What steps can I take today to help validate my product idea?

We have a great DIY workshop where you we walk you through questions to help you validate and figure out your idea. Get in touch and we'll set you up with this powerful resource! It's FREE and you can do it in your own time.

Do I need to create a prototype to validate my idea?

Yes and no. It depends on the complexity and the function of the product. If your idea is the next generation walking stick, you kind of have to build a prototype to make sure it is the next generation walking stick, how else would you know? Whereas if you are building an IoT sensor system, you may only need a delicious render to show off the idea to your customer/investor.

What's involved when validating an idea?

We like to look at a few factors.

1. The first is you. What do you want to invest, what are your skills, and what are your goals.

2. Then we analyse the product idea, what are similar products prices, what's it going to take to develop.

3. Then we look into the business model, can the product make money, what could the business model look like, would it suit your goals.

With this information you should have a much deeper understanding of what it will take to develop and launch your product.

How accurate is validating your idea?

Unfortunately, our crystal ball broke a few years ago and have lost the ability to see the future. Instead. We unpack all the different elements within your product business, run some numbers, and make calculated 'what if' predictions. From there if its looking good, it comes down to design, determination and luck to make a success of your idea.

Still have questions?

Get in touch with the team!

Ready to assess your product idea?

What will it take, how much could it cost, and where is my secret sauce?